My Stories

In My Eyes: Jasper
Chapters: 1 (complete)
First of the series. Jasper slipped up and decides to torment himself based on his reflection in the mirror. This is what he thinks of the life he leads.
Links: | Twilighted | TWCS

In My Eyes: Alice
Chapters: 1 (in revision)
Second of the series. Alice discovers her old patient file and starts to learn things about herself she never would have expected.
(banner by SoapyMahem)

Chapters: 1 (complete)
When Jasper left the house for those few minutes he was reminded of life's cycles and that he doesn't turn with them. That broke him down to this "never pleasant" old habit of his. Now Alice doesn't know what she can do. Nobody does.

(banner by FrozenSoldier)

Pushing Buttons
Chapters: 9 (in progress)
Alice is the new girl at school and Jasper is a notorious trouble maker. The two collide and their pride declares world war three.
Links: | Twilighted | TWCS

 My Brother, the Junkie
Chapters: 1 (to be posted)
Edward recounts the last few years of his life to see where he and his family went wrong. Maybe if they had seen the signs, Jasper would never have become an addict.

You Never Know
Chapters: 2 (in progress)
If Alice and I were never meant to be, why were we pushed together in the first place? A story of cruel twists of fate, emotional endurance, and a love that can rise above it all... Or can it? My own Alice and Jasper story. Rewritten. Canon.
Links: FF.netTwilighted | TWCS

Stories I Beta...

I do beta stories from time to time, to help relieve the tension of needing to write my own story from scratch. Here are the stories I have beta'd at some point:

Confessions of the Heart by Oderek
Awakening Hearts by Oderek
Magic of Love by Oderek

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