Story update: Pushing Buttons, chapter 6

Chapter 6 of Pushing Buttons, "Hotline", has been uploaded.

Check out what this naughty pic is all about in it:

Pushing Buttons, chapter 6 sneak peek

Here is a sneak peek into chapter 6 of Pushing Buttons, due for release tomorrow:

He read on out of curiosity, dropping his eyes to the bottom of the page. “1800-balls-r-us. Call me anytime!”
As soon as he read over the phone number again, he knew exactly who was responsible. 
While he didn’t think he deserved this kind of humiliation so early in the game, he had to give her props: she had courage. A lot, apparently.
Jasper then came up with his damage control plan. He decided that the best plan of action – that is, the idea that meant he would be the least embarrassed – was to laugh the situation off as if it was a joke between friends. That was the safe way to play it, but it would have the desired outcome in the end.
He would begin laughing, he amended, peering down at the page again, just as soon as he discovered why Tweedledum was taking this one step further than it needed to go. 
Was this going to turn ugly?

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